Should I Start a Business With Young Kids at Home?

I have two young children under 4. Should I put off starting a business? 

Rob V. 

A: That’s a really loaded question. So here are a bunch of questions in response… 

Let’s start first by asking where is your spouse on this? Do they work too? 

It’s a given that starting a business will have a major impact on the time you have to devote to your family, so is this going to be a side hustle or are you going to have to quit your job to do this? And so, what is this venture going to do to your household income and do you have enough money in your personal savings to sustain you?

My point is you need to strongly think about these and other considerations before you simply take the plunge.  When you have kids, or at any time in your life for that matter, being spontaneous in business and harkening to the call of entrepreneurship, you need to do your best to make sure that you’re doing this by listening to ALL the voices in your head along with your heart.

Otherwise, it may be a siren song leading your ship on course to crash headlong into the rocks of financial and familial ruin.

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